Studiowork - Exercise 1- Chapter 5 "Thinking Architecturally"
22 April 2011
After reading thru chapter 5 of 'thinking architecturally, by P. Rihini', I have a new insight of how to approach a design problem, I should really have spend more time last year and in the beginning of this year reading the prescribed books, what might seem of little help, actually provides a new dimension of thinking..well it has to be said that I have not yet fully developed my 'Hub', thus my exercise will influence the final outcome..
Please find my illustrations of 'exercise 1' below:
Studiowork - Exercise 2- Chapter 8 "Thinking Architecturally"
06 May 2011
Studiowork - Exercise 3 - Chapter 9 "Thinking Architecturally"
20 May 2011
Studiowork - Exercise 4 - Chapter 11 "Thinking Architecturally"
22 April 2011